Fair Trade Statistics

Fair Trade Statistics By Product, Factors Affecting Buying Decisions and Demographics


Fair Trade Statistics: As the name suggests, fair trade supports equal treatment for producers and workers around the world. It focuses on transforming the way produced goods are traded. As we all know, our world is unfair and includes unfair practices at many stages, from the production of the product to the final consumers.

Fairtrade includes Sugar, Coffee, Bananas, Chocolate, fresh fruits, cocoa, tea, handicrafts, and textiles. Furthermore, the importance of this concept has increased in the last decade in supporting sustainable development and practices. This modern way of trade provides fair wages and safe working conditions for workers. Let’s look at the recent Fair Trade Statistics below.

Editor’s Choice

  • According to a report by Fairtrade and Sustainable Shopper 2023 US Consumer Insights by Fairtrade America, between 2019 and 2023, Fairtrade label awareness increased by 118%.
  • 85% of American shoppers have seen sustainable and ethical labels on the products as they were shopping.
  • Since the last four years, visibility for Coffee based on Fairtrade products has increased significantly compared to other products, resulting in 48%.
  • Fair Trade Statistics show that, in 2023, compared to 2021, shoppers are ready to pay $1.10 more for a chocolate bar, $2.80 more for a bag of coffee, and 60 cents more for bananas if they are fairly traded, resulting in 35%, 55%, and 66% respectively.
  • According to the Fair Trade America 2023 report, 92% of shoppers are interested in learning about the farmers who grow the ingredients in their favourite items.
  • The leading factor likely to affect the buying process for fair-traded goods is the safer or reduced use of artificial pesticides, chemicals, and genetically modified products.
  • According to the Fair Trade America Report 2023, 85% of American shoppers said having a Fair Trade Mark on the brand has a positive impact on the company.
  • 40% of consumers said Fairtrade products are hard to find in stores; therefore, they never or rarely buy them.
  • 84% of consumers aged between 35 and 54 years are willing to pay more for products than regular prices to ensure producers are fairly paid.
  • Fair Trade Statistics 2023 shows that the average American shopper (79%), considering the various retailers, is likely to show a high level of commitment to ethical sourcing.

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General Fair Trade Statistics

  • 85% of American shoppers have seen sustainable and ethical labels on the products as they were shopping.
  • According to a report by Fairtrade and Sustainable Shopper 2023 US Consumer Insights by Fairtrade America, between 2019 and 2023, Fairtrade label awareness increased by 118%.
  • Around 3 out of 4 shoppers in the USA believe in Fairtrade Mark.
  • 79% of shoppers who are aware of Fairtrade said they are ready to pay a fair price for producers.
  • According to Fair Trade Statistics, 67% of shoppers are likely to pay more for certified products, although there is inflation.
  • 91% of shoppers in the USA who know Fairtrade labels said they regularly or occasionally purchase Fairtrade products.
  • Furthermore, 40% of consumers said Fairtrade products are hard to find in stores; therefore, they never or rarely buy them.
  • According to the Fair Trade America 2023 report, 92% of shoppers are interested in learning about the farmers who grow the ingredients in their favorite items.
  • In addition, millennials are more likely to purchase Fairtrade products than other generations.
  • Around 71% of shoppers in the USA are aware of the Fairtrade mark.
  • According to Fair Trade Statistics 2023, 44% are regular, 47% occasional, and 9% never or rarely purchasers of fair trade products.
  • Gen Z and millennials have the highest growing recognition for Fair Trade products.
  • There are around 1,900,000 workers and farmers in the global Fairtrade.
  • Fair Trade Statistics show that more than 30,000 fairly traded products are available for shoppers in the world.
  • In addition, fair traders operate the produce in 71 countries.
  • According to a report by Fair Trade Ireland, 50% of the global land currently used for coffee farming may become unusable by 2050.

Fair Trade Statistics by Products

  • Since the last four years, visibility for Coffee based on Fairtrade products has increased significantly compared to other products, resulting in 48%.
  • Furthermore, in 2023, visibility for tea was reduced by 1%; on the other hand, for bananas, it increased by 4%, contributing 27% each.
  • Fair Trade Statistics show that, in 2023, compared to 2021, shoppers are ready to pay $1.10 more for a chocolate bar, $2.80 more for a bag of coffee, and 60 cents more for bananas if they are fairly traded, resulting in 35%, 55%, and 66% respectively.

Fair Trade Statistics by Factors Affecting Buying Decisions


(Reference: fairtradeamerica.org)

  • According to Fair Trade Statistics 2023, safer or reduced use of artificial pesticides, chemicals, and genetically modified products is the leading factor likely to affect the buying process for Fairly traded goods.
  • Furthermore, avoiding child labor, tackling poverty, improving living standards for farmers and workers, avoiding modern slavery, protecting against deforestation, and having decent and safe working conditions are some important factors that affect the buying decision.

Benefits of Fairtrade For Farming Communities


(Source: fairtradeamerica.org)

  • As of April 2023, Fair Trade Statistics show that better prices for crop producers are the leading benefit of Fairtrade for farming communities, contributing 77%. Furthermore, 68% said that support for farmers to reduce the impact of climate change on their livelihoods and products, contributing to greater social justice, is followed by top benefits.

Impact of Fairtrade Mark on Brands’ Perceptions


(Source: fairtradeamerica.org)

  • According to the Fair Trade America Report 2023, 85% of American shoppers said having a Fair Trade Mark on the brand has a positive impact on the company. On the other hand, 14% of shoppers believe there will be no impact, while only 1% said the mark will negatively impact the brand’s perceptions.

Fair Trade Statistics by Demographics

(Source: fairtradeamerica.org)

  • As per Fair Trade Statistics, 84% of consumers aged between 35 and 54 years are willing to pay more for products than regular prices to ensure producers are fairly paid. Similarly, shoppers in the other age groups support the motivation as follows: 18 to 24 years (78%), 25 to 34 years (80%), and 55 years and above (71%).

Fair Trade Statistics by Preferred Retailers


(Reference: fairtradeamerica.org)

  • Fair Trade Statistics 2023 shows that the average American shopper (79%), considering the various retailers, is likely to show a high level of commitment to ethical sourcing. The statement was supported by 90% of Safeway. Albertson’s and Acme’s consumers. In addition, shoppers of Target, Whole Foods Market, Amazon, Costco, Wegmans, Kroger, Trader Joe’s and Walmart voted positively.

Fair Trade Statistics by Factors Preventing Buyers From Shopping Fairly Traded Products


(Reference: fairtradeamerica.org)

  • As stated in the Fair Trade Statistics above, the majority of shoppers said it is difficult to find products with the Fair Trade label in stores or supermarkets. Furthermore, 29% said such products are not available in the stores they usually visit. These products are expensive, and buyers need to be made aware of the label, which is another factor preventing them from shopping for fair trade products.

Fair Trade Statistics by Information About Fair Trade


(Reference: fairtradeamerica.org)

  • 22% of consumers have either seen or heard about Fair Trade products on Google and product packaging. Other sources of information include in-store advertisements, word of mouth, YouTube, Facebook, and online shopping stores.

Fairtrade in 2024: Making a Difference One Purchase at a Time

Fairtrade continues to be a powerful force for good in the global marketplace, empowering farmers and workers and promoting sustainable practices. Here’s a look at the current trends and Fairtrade’s ongoing importance.

The Fairtrade Concept: What’s the Big Deal?

Imagine your morning cup of coffee. Did you ever wonder about the people who grew those beans? Fairtrade ensures that farmers get a fair price for their crops, allowing them to invest in their communities, improve their livelihoods, and protect the environment.

Here’s how it works:

  • Fairtrade Standards: Farmers and workers must meet specific social, environmental, and economic standards to be Fairtrade certified. These include safe working conditions, no child labor, and sustainable farming practices.
  • Fairtrade Minimum Price: Farmers are guaranteed a minimum price for their products, which helps protect them from volatile market fluctuations.
  • Fairtrade Premium: In addition to the minimum price, farmers also receive a premium that they can invest in community projects like schools, healthcare, or clean water initiatives.

Examples of Fairtrade Products:

Look for the Fairtrade logo next time you’re shopping. You’ll find it on a wide variety of everyday products, including:

  • Coffee
  • Cocoa (used in chocolate)
  • Tea
  • Sugar
  • Bananas
  • Flowers
  • Cotton (used in clothing)

Why Fairtrade Matters More Than Ever in 2024

Consumers are increasingly concerned about where their food and clothing come from and how it’s produced. Here’s why Fairtrade is a relevant and impactful choice in 2024:

  • Transparency and Trust: In today’s world, consumers crave transparency. Fairtrade provides a trusted certification system, allowing you to feel confident that your purchases are making a positive difference.
  • Sustainability: Environmental concerns are at an all-time high. Fairtrade promotes sustainable farming practices that protect the environment for future generations.
  • Living Wages and Living Incomes: Fairtrade ensures farmers and workers earn enough to provide for their families’ basic needs and invest in a better future.

Fairtrade’s Impact on the Economy

Fairtrade isn’t just good for farmers and the environment; it also has a positive impact on the global economy. Here’s how:

  • Empowering Farmers: Fairtrade farmers can invest their earnings back into their farms, leading to increased productivity and economic growth in their communities.
  • Reduced Poverty: By ensuring fair prices and stable incomes, Fairtrade helps reduce poverty among farmers and workers in developing countries.
  • Stronger Markets: Fairtrade promotes stable and predictable markets for agricultural products, benefiting both producers and consumers.

Trends to Watch in 2024

Fairtrade is constantly evolving to meet the needs of a changing world. Here are some key trends to watch in 2024:

  • Focus on Innovation: Fairtrade is exploring new technologies like blockchain to enhance supply chain transparency and empower consumers with even more information about their purchases.
  • Regenerative Agriculture: There’s a growing emphasis on regenerative farming practices that improve soil health and biodiversity. Fairtrade is working with farmers to implement these practices on their farms.
  • Private Label Opportunities: More and more private label brands are recognizing the value of Fairtrade certification and are incorporating Fairtrade products into their offerings.

The Takeaway: Every Purchase Counts

By choosing Fairtrade products, you’re making a powerful statement about the kind of world you want to see. You’re supporting fair prices for farmers, promoting sustainable practices, and helping to create a more equitable global economy. Even a small switch in your shopping habits, like choosing Fairtrade coffee instead of a conventional brand, can have a ripple effect.

Remember, every Fairtrade purchase you make is a vote for a fairer and more sustainable future!

Sure, here are some tips on how to identify Fairtrade products:

Look for the Label:

  • The most prominent way to identify Fairtrade products is to look for the FAIRTRADE Mark. This globally recognized symbol depicts a person holding a scale, which assures the product meets Fairtrade standards.
  • There are two variations:
    • The classic FAIRTRADE Mark for single-ingredient products like coffee beans or bananas.
    • The FAIRTRADE Mark with an arrow for products with multiple ingredients, like chocolate bars or cereals. This indicates you should check the back for Fairtrade content details.

Check the Percentage:

  • For multi-ingredient products, the Fairtrade Mark with an arrow directs you to check the back of the packaging. Look for the percentage of Fairtrade ingredients.
  • The minimum Fairtrade content requirement is 20%, but many companies use more. The higher the percentage, the greater the Fairtrade impact.

Use Online Resources:

  • Fairtrade International maintains an online tool, Fairtrade Finder, at https://www.fairtrade.net/finder. Users can enter a product or brand to see if it’s Fairtrade certified.
  • Fairtrade organizations in your country might have similar tools or lists of certified products.

Beyond the Label:

  • While the Fairtrade Mark is the primary identifier, some smaller producers might still need to be certified but still operate under fair trade principles. Look for companies that focus on ethical sourcing and the fair treatment of farmers and workers.

Ask Questions:

  • If you need clarification on a product’s Fairtrade status, feel free to ask store personnel or contact the brand directly.


  • Familiarity with common Fairtrade products helps – coffee, cocoa, bananas, flowers, and cotton are frequently Fairtrade certified.
  • Look for Fairtrade logos at farmers’ markets or stores specializing in ethically sourced products.

By following these tips, you can confidently identify Fairtrade products and make informed choices that contribute to a fairer and more sustainable global market.


Fair Trade practices ensure that the producer and the worker are fairly compensated in an unfair world. Fair Trade Statistics confirmed that today, consumers are also choosing fair-traded goods over regular goods. By purchasing fair trade products, farmers and workers are compensated fairly and provided with better wages and working conditions.

However, as of today, a large number of people still need to be made aware of the concept. Looking at the future of sustainable agriculture, environment, and development, it is the responsibility of consumers to support Fair Trade all across the world.




