CEO Background Statistics

CEO Background Statistics By Wage Gap by Race, Degree Level, Industry, Tenure and Education


CEO Background Statistics: The CEO or Chief Executive Officer is the pillar of the company. CEO leads the company in terms of revenue growth, operational efficiency, strategic vision, and overall business. A CEO must possess qualities like leadership, vision, communication skills, optimism, decision-making ability, intelligence, and much more that drive the company and its employees toward a better future.

However, becoming a CEO is not easy in today’s competitive world. Money might lure people into these but it is difficult to manage all kinds of departments in the company in a progressive way. Let’s understand CEO background statistics to learn the basics.

Editor’s Choice

  • Around 20% of Chief Executive officers around the world are considered to have psychopathic personalities.
  • According to a report by Statista, in 2023, the share of companies in the USA with racially and ethnically diverse CEOs saw nearly half of the CEOs with Asian or Indian backgrounds contributing 49%.
  • In the USA, five times more CEOs graduated from Ivy League Schools than individuals who graduated from all other universities.
  • The rate of women CEOs leaving their positions increased to 24% in 2023, which was 19.5% in 2022.
  • The share of new women CEOs was higher, contributing 28% compared to 2022, which represented 26%.
  • The healthcare and product sector industry was the second-highest industry with the highest turnover rates, resulting in 189 individuals leaving the organization.
  • On average, a CEO is 58 years old.
  • Two-thirds of CEOs believe that customers will become the most significant influencers of the company in the coming 5 years.
  • 32% of top CEOs have received abroad degrees.
  • In December 2023, government organizations had 61 CEO exits, out of which 46 were of non-profit organizations.

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By Wage Gap by Race



CEO Background Statistics of the Wage gap by race show that people with a white background are likely to receive higher salary amounts contributing an average of $185,754 per annum. The wage gap for CEOs in other ethnicities is represented as follows black or African American ($177,681), Asian ($184,012), and Hispanic or Latino ($178,339), and not specified ($175,653).

By Wage Gap by Degree Level



CEO Background Statistics state that CEOs with master’s degrees are likely to receive the highest salary as compared to other educational qualifications, contributing $227,205 a year. Doctorate or bachelor’s level education can help in generating $227,163 and $204,443 per annum income, respectively. On the other hand, an associate degree or some college-level education is likely to contribute $149,580 in terms of average CEO salary.

By Industry



Recent CEO Background Statistics show that the private sector contributes the majority of the CEO positions, 67%, followed by the public sector, 24%. The education and government sectors share the number of positions equally, 5%.

By Tenure



The majority of the CEOs stay with the same company for 1 to 2 years resulting in 23%. On the other hand, 8% are likely to resign within a year.

By Average CEO Age by Gender and Race



CEO Background Statistics by Demographics shows the average age of Chief Executive Officers by gender and race in the above chart. Overall, women are comparatively younger in CEO positions than men who are aged more than 50, while most women are less than 50 years of age in every ethnic background.

By Education

  • On average, 98% of CEOs around the world have a bachelor’s degree.
  • 32% of top CEOs have received abroad degrees.
  • CEO Background Statistics show that 29% of CEOs have been a part of varsity-level sports in the college.
  • Furthermore, 54% of CEOs of Fortune 100 companies have graduated with engineering degrees.
  • According to CEO Background Statistics, 70% of companies listed in the Fortune 500 have a CEO with an MBA background.
  • In the USA, five times more CEOs graduated from Ivy League Schools than individuals who graduated from all other universities.
  • 56% of CEOs have gained a degree in economics, accounting, or business.

By Women CEO

  • CEO Background Statistics 2023 state that the share of new women CEOs was 28%, compared to 26% in 2022.
  • On the other hand, the rate of women CEOs leaving their positions increased to 24% in 2023, up from 19.5% in 2022.
  • Women capture 8% of CEO positions in the Fortune 100 companies.

By CEOs Leaving The Position by Industry

  • In December 2023, government organizations had 61 CEO exits, out of which 46 were of non-profit organizations.
  • In 2023, non-profit organizations represented 486 CEOs, of whom 361 left the position. This shows a 71% increase in turnover rate compared to 2022, which was just 271.
  • The healthcare and product sector was the second-highest industry with the highest turnover rates, resulting in 189 individuals leaving the organization.
  • Furthermore, in 2023, hospitals recorded a 42% increase in CEO changes, contributing 146, compared to 103 in 2022.

By Demographics



As of 2023, according to the CEO Background Statistics, the CEO officer gender ratio shows that the number of male CEOs is higher than that of female CEOs, resulting in 31.5%.

Factors Affecting How The CEOs Are Leading The Organization



According to a report by McKinsey, the rise of disruptive digital technologies, the economic situation, and geopolitics are the most crucial factors impacting CEOs’ leadership of their organizations as of 2023. On the other hand, companies with highly expected social purpose, the racial gap in the economy, and the emergence of blockchain and Web3 have been the least voted by the respondents.

By Business Portfolio Transformation



According to a report by EY on global  CEO Outlook 2023, 32% of CEOs are trying to improve the performance and profitability of the business to improve their business portfolio. Furthermore, raising new capital from new or existing shareholders (27%) or debit issuance or bank loans (25%) as well as selling non-core assets or spinning off assets (16%) are other primary ways to finance portfolio transformations.

Best CEOs in the World 2024

  • Brian Moynihan – Chairman and CEO, Bank of America, USA
  • Jamie Dimon- Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase and Co, USA
  • Amin H. Nasser- President and CEO, Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), Saudi Arabia
  • Darren W Woods – Chairman and CEO, Exxon Mobil, USA
  • Satya Nadella – Chairman and CEO, Microsoft, USA
  • Tim Cook – CEO, Apple, USA
  • Wael Sawan- CEO, Shell, UK
  • Akio Toyoda – Chairman and Representative Director, Toyota Motor, Japan
  • Liao Lin, President and executive director, Industrial and Commercial bank of China Limited, China
  • Kyung Kye Hyun, President and CEO, Samsung Electronics, South Korea

Priorities of CEOs in 2024

Researchers have been delving into the critical priorities for CEOs over recent years. In 2024, the emphasis remains on core values like family, friends, and commitments. Despite the numerous global challenges, CEOs are respected for their leadership in steering their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Market researchers have meticulously analyzed the evolving priorities for CEOs, understanding the nuanced landscape of business dynamics. In 2024, amidst a backdrop of global challenges, the emphasis remains steadfast on fundamental values like family, friendships, and unwavering commitments. CEOs continue to be lauded for their resilience and adept leadership in steering their companies through turbulent times, prioritizing the welfare of all stakeholders.

Generative AI, often referred to as gen AI, has transcended from a mere concept to a powerful force reshaping industries globally. The proliferation of gen AI technologies has facilitated radical transformations across diverse business activities. CEOs are tasked with discerning the specific areas within their organizations poised to benefit from gen AI adoption. Moreover, they must strategize on scaling these innovations from isolated applications to comprehensive enterprise-wide integration. Understanding the transformative potential of gen AI and its implications for industry dynamics is paramount for CEOs in 2024.

The digital age has reached a critical juncture, with companies at varying stages of digital transformation initiatives. However, achieving the desired outcomes from these endeavours remains a challenge for many organizations. CEOs must navigate the complexities of organizational restructuring to harness the benefits of digital technologies fully. Rewiring the enterprise for digital success requires a holistic approach, addressing not only technological integration but also cultural and operational changes. Accelerating revenue growth and reducing costs through digital transformation are pivotal objectives for CEOs in 2024.

The imperative for an energy transition has never been more urgent, as companies grapple with environmental sustainability concerns. CEOs are tasked with reallocating capital to invest in green technology ventures. These investments not only align with sustainability goals but also position companies to thrive in an increasingly eco-conscious market landscape. By spearheading initiatives in renewable energy and sustainable practices, CEOs can drive positive environmental impact while fostering long-term business growth and resilience.

Successful companies often possess distinctive capabilities that set them apart from competitors. CEOs must identify and cultivate these unique strengths, leveraging them as strategic advantages in competitive markets. Recognizing the value of middle management is crucial for fostering organizational resilience and agility. Middle managers play a pivotal role in translating strategic objectives into actionable plans and driving operational efficiency. By valuing and empowering middle managers, CEOs can nurture a culture of innovation and excellence throughout the organization.

Navigating geopolitical uncertainties requires strategic foresight and resilience on the part of CEOs. Incorporating scenarios of black swan and gray rhino events into strategic planning can enhance organizational preparedness. By embracing uncertainty and engaging in rigorous scenario planning, CEOs can identify core actions and adapt effectively to various economic and geopolitical scenarios. Leading firms capitalize on uncertainty by assessing risk appetite and investing strategically to capitalize on opportunities emerging from volatile market conditions.

In summary, CEOs in 2024 must focus on harnessing technology, investing in sustainability, nurturing talent, and adeptly navigating geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainties to drive long-term business prosperity.


In conclusion, CEO background statistics show that these individuals shape the future of the company. They play a crucial role in handling the strategic planning in every department. Even though the majority of the CEOs are well qualified, having only bookish knowledge won’t lead one to becoming a CEO. Personality and thinking ability matters as well.



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