Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics

Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics and Facts 2024


Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics: In the last decade, technology has rapidly advanced, giving rise to the concept of the “Internet of Things.” This includes technology, the internet, social media, gadgets, and smartphones, all of which have become ubiquitous in our daily lives.

Everything we need is now easily accessible, primarily through smartphones. However, these technologies can be so addictive that people of all ages and backgrounds are constantly hooked to some form of device. Despite their convenience, the side effects of these technologies can negatively impact a person’s real life. Let’s explore these effects.

Editor’s Choice

  • Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics show that teens who spend 5 hours a day on smartphones are 71% more likely to feel suicidal.
  • According to the Pew Research Center, 46% of Americans can not spend a minute without smartphones.
  • 80% of smartphone users play with their phones before and after one hour of going to bed and waking up.
  • According to social media users, viral memes or funny short videos are the most addictive content type.
  • 21% of Americans experienced somewhat negative effects, while 11% faced very negative effects on their mental health.
  • 58% of smartphone users are experiencing struggles to prevent using mobile phones.
  • Additionally, social media users spend more than 4 hours on such platforms on average.
  • As of today, the most common types of therapy used for social media addiction are group therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and motivational interviewing (MI).
  • In the USA, around 9 Americans lose their lives because of checking phones while driving.
  • In the USA, one out of three pedestrians is at extremely high risk because of distractions caused by mobile phones.

By Smartphone

  • According to the Pew Research Center, 46% of Americans can not spend a minute without smartphones.
  • Furthermore, the University of Derby found that students using mobile phones during class time were more likely to score lower as compared to those who didn’t.
  • 67% of Americans check their phones even if it does not ping or ring.
  • In the USA, one out of three pedestrians is at extremely high risk because of distractions caused by mobile phones.
  • On average, a user unlocks his/her phone 150 times every day.
  • 58% of smartphone users check their phones every 1 hour.
  • Furthermore, Americans touch their phones at least 144 times a day.
  • In addition, adults in the US reported checking their smartphones 96 times a day.
  • 80% of smartphone users play with their phones before and after one hour of going to bed and waking up.
  • Around 59% of parents feel their children are addicted to smartphones.
  • Even past bedtime, 80% of teens spend time on their smartphones.
  • Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics show that teens who spend 5 hours a day on smartphones are 71% more likely to feel suicidal.
  • Symptoms of depression are 2 times more likely to be experienced by teens who are spending more than 5 hours a day on smartphones.
  • Furthermore, teens who spend 5 hours on mobile phones are likely to sleep only 7 hours a day.
  • 58% of smartphone users are experiencing struggles to prevent using mobile phones.
  • Surprisingly, there are more mobile phones than toilets around the world.
  • 41% of Americans are ready to give up sex rather than their smartphones.
  • 60% of university students in the USA believe they are experiencing cell phone addiction.
  • 16% of adults in the USA experience problematic smartphone habits.
  • Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics 2023 state that, 74% of Americans feel uneasy if they leave their smartphones at home.
  • 64% of people use mobile phones in the toilets.
  • Furthermore, 45% of Americans said mobile phones are the most crucial possession in their lives.
  • 48% of phone addicts stated they start feeling anxious if their phone battery is below 20%.
  • Women are more likely to spend time on their phones than men, 600 minutes and 459 minutes, respectively.
  • 51% of children have seen their parents looking at their mobile phones while driving.
  • While spending time with their children, 68% of parents believe that they are easily distracted by smartphones.
  • 31% of Americans believe that they are constantly online.

By Social Media

  • 56% of students in grade 8 who are always active on social media are more likely to experience depression in their lives.
  • In the USA, around 9 Americans lose their lives because of checking phones while driving.
  • Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics 2023 state that around 63% of people are experiencing an increase in depression due to social media addiction.
  • Additionally, social media users spend more than 4 hours on such platforms on average.
  • Around 41 million Americans are addicted to social media.
  • According to social media users, viral memes or funny short videos are the most addictive content type.
  • Around 1.5 billion people around the world are affected by social media addiction as stated by Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics.
  • Furthermore, 50% of young adults in the USA are experiencing the feeling of being addicted to social media platforms.
  • 41% of social media users feel unhappy after spending time on social media.
  • As of today, the most common types of therapy used for social media addiction are group therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and motivational interviewing (MI).
  • As per Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics, the following are the negative
    symptoms of social media addiction

    • Reduction in the feeling of empathy
    • Avoiding or ignoring real-life relationships
    • Increase in mental illness such as anxiety or depression
    • The feeling of dissatisfaction in life
  • Furthermore, 41% of Gen Z adults believe social media increases their feelings of anxiety, sadness, or depression, while 29% stated they feel it has affected their self-esteem. In addition, 22% felt they were left out due to their excessive use of social media platforms.
  • Around 88% of adults in the USA are worried about how much time kids are spending on such platforms.
  • 2 out of 5 Americans believe that these social media platforms are not good for the entire society.
  • 67% of Americans think using social media is directly connected with loneliness and isolation.

By Percentage Of Addiction

Percentage Of Addiction Among Worldwide Social Media Users(Reference:

  • Around the world, around 4.2% of social media users are addicted to these platforms, while 95.8% are not addicted.

By Effects On Mental Health Due To Social Media

Share Of Adults In The United States On Whether Social Media Has More Of A Positive or Negative Effect On Their Own Mental Health As Of February 2023(Reference:

  • According to Negative Effects of Technology Statistics 2023, 21% of Americans experienced somewhat negative effects on their mental health, while 11% faced very negative effects. On the other hand, 15% and 11% stated that they experienced somewhat positive and very positive effects of social media as of February 2023.

By Video Game Addiction

  • There are more than 3 billion games worldwide, of which 4% will be addicted to video games in 2023.
  • Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics by video game addiction state that, ADHD is related to video game addiction.
  • Men are more likely to experience gaming disorders as compared to women.
  • Furthermore, 0.3 to 1% of the population in the world is experiencing gaming disorder.
  • On average, a gaming addict is aged 24 years.
  • Video Games Addiction Statistics show that 8.5% of children and teens under the legal age are more likely to get addicted to games.
  • Every year, gaming addiction is one of the leading causes that negatively affect the lives of many people.
  • Around 7.8% of female students and 19% of male students have shown addictive behavior toward video games.
  • Video game addicts say that playing video games improves mood as much as consuming a slice of pizza would do.
  • 1 out of 10 games experience addiction problems.
  • According to Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics, gamers with addiction are likely to experience the following symptoms
    • Diminishing performance at school and work
    • Playing for longer hours, being deceptive
    • Increase in conflicts and feelings of irritability in gaming situations.
    • Unfollowed hygiene occurred from longer gaming sessions.
    • Disturbed sleep cycles
    • Increased aggression
    • Often mood swings
    • Increased heart rate and blood pressure built from game excitement

By Ethnicity

Percentage Of Game Addicts By Ethnicity(Reference:

  • The majority of the game addicts are white by ethnic background, resulting in 69%. There are 13% of Asian gamers with video gaming addiction. 18% belong to various ethnic backgrounds.

By Technology Addiction By Demographics

  • 77% of parents around the world believe that their children are becoming absent-minded because of smart gadgets.

By Age Group

People Struggling To Take A Tech Break(Reference:

  • According to Technology Addiction by Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics, the majority of the individuals who are facing problems taking a tech break are aged between 15 and 19 years, contributing 44%. Individuals facing similar addiction in other age groups are as follows: 20 to 29 years (41%), 30 to 39 years (38%), 40 to 40 years (29%), 50 to 59 years (23%) and 60 years and above (15%).

By Age Groups

Age Group Of Users With Internet Addiction(Reference:

  • Internet addiction is experienced majorly by individuals aged between 13 to 17 years, contributing 73%. With a minor difference 71% of users with addiction aged between 18 to 24 years. Overall, people in every age group are facing such type of addiction, contributing more than 40% of individuals.


As they say, the coin has two sides; technological developments come with advantages and disadvantages. Even if we can travel at the speed of light, there are going to be some kind of cons to our lives. Technology poses as both beneficial and dangerous. As these Negative Effects Of Technology Statistics show, it has negatively impacted severely impacts millions of lives in every age group.

However, preventing such addiction at the initial step before it turns into a worse case. Technology is beneficial at some point but it should not become a part and parcel of our lives. We can still stop ourselves from shifting to more advanced gadgets and just be happy with what we have.


  • statistics




