Millennials On Social Media Statistics

Millennials On Social Media Statistics and Facts 2024


Millennials On Social Media Statistics: Since the lockdown, people who never existed on the internet have created accounts on social media. As stated in these Millennials On Social Media Statistics, more than 50% of millennial users went online. The use of social media is increasing daily. Social media is gaining popularity not only among millennials but also among other generations.

However, the use of these platforms is growing extensively among all generations. These statistics guide recent insights, including the preferences for product research on social media, back-to-school shopping, etc. 

Editor’s Choice

  • 61% of millennials said they will trust a brand on social media if it has a large number of followers.
  • Millennials On Social Media Statistics show that 90.4% of them use these platforms actively.
  • Millennials keep themselves updated about the brand through social media networks.
  • 46% of millennials use social media to browse products. Others prefer to read reviews or recommendations (44%), find out about promotions (39%), and receive a coupon (28%).
  • Individuals who shop on social media such as Instagram are more likely to be aged between 18 and 24 and 25 to 40, contributing 70% and 67%, respectively. 
  • 84% of millennials are more likely to trust online advertising than traditional advertising.
  • In the USA, 50% of millennials use Facebook every day.
  • In 2023, the top three leading platforms for millennials to research a product worldwide were Search engines (54%), Amazon (36%), and Social media (36%). 
  • Most of the users in the millennial generation said it is going in the right direction, representing 53% of votes in a survey by Statista. Nearly 50% of millennials believe the opposite.
  • In Q2 of 2023, around the world, Millennials aged between 27 and 42 years preferred Facebook for product purchases, contributing 56%.

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General Millennials On Social Media Statistics

  • Millennials On Social Media Statistics show that 90.4% of them use these platforms actively.
  • More than half of the millennial generation’s users have started using social media platforms since the beginning of the COVID-19 virus outbreak.
  • Millennials are likely to check social media sites multiple times every day.
  • 61% of millennials said they will trust a brand on social media if it has a large number of followers.
  • 84% of millennials are more likely to trust online advertising than traditional advertising.
  • Furthermore, millennials keep themselves updated about the brand through social media networks.
  • In the USA, 50% of millennials use Facebook every day.
  • Millennials spend an average of 2 hours and 38 minutes on social media every day, with the majority of the time spent on Facebook (87%), followed by Instagram (27%) and YouTube (66%).
  • 75% of millennials state that social media networks have become part and parcel of their lives.
  • Furthermore, 60% of millennials share content through private messaging apps as compared to any other social media platform.
  • 78% of millennials are likely to purchase a product or service after seeing the ad on social media.
  • According to Millennials On Social Media Statistics, these individuals spend more time on social media than watching television.
  • 39% of millennials said they had created Facebook accounts only for sharing self-promotional content.
  • On average, millennials have 2.8 devices and spend around 4 hours online using tablets, laptops, and PCs.

Leading Reasons For Millennial And Gen X Consumers To Use Social Media For Back To School Shopping

Leading reasons Gen X and millennial consumers use social media for back-to-school shopping in 2023(Reference:

  • According to Millennials On Social Media Statistics 2023, 46% of millennials use social media to browse products. Others prefer to read reviews or recommendations (44%), find out about promotions (39%), and receive a coupon (28%). However, Gen X has more engagement on social media for the mentioned purposes than millennials.

Leading Social Media Platforms For Shopping

Leading Social Media Platforms For Shopping Worldwide In 2023, By Generational Cohort(Reference:

  • Millennials On Social Media Statistics show that individuals who shop on social media such as Instagram are more likely to be aged between 18 and 24 and 25 to 40, contributing 70% and 67%, respectively. However, the share of millennials is comparatively lower than that of other generations, resulting in YouTube (63%), Facebook (52%), and TiTok (49%).

Share Of Shoppers Who Purchased A Product From The Social Media Platforms

Social Media Platforms Consumers Used To Purchase Products Worldwide In 2nd Quarter 2023, By Generational Cohort(Reference:

  • In Q2 of 2023, around the world, Millennials aged between 27 and 42 years preferred Facebook for product purchases, contributing 56%. Compared to other generations, the rate of preference for Facebook was higher for millennials. Other platforms with the mentioned share include  Instagram (48%), TikTok (36%), Pinterest (16%), YouTube (47%) and Snapchat (18%).

Opinions On How Much Millennials Trust Product or Brand Recommendations By Social Media Influencers

Millennials' Opinions On How Much They Trust Product/Brand Recommendations Made By Social Media Influencers Worldwide In 2023(Reference:

  • Around the world, the leading reason why 49% of millennials trust brands or products recommended by social media influencers is that recommendations are more likely to be engaging than regular ads. Other individuals in the similar generation stated that they are likely to purchase a product recommended by influencers (45%), follow influencers who regularly promote brands or products (44%), etc.

Top 10 Social Networks For Millennials To Find The Most Relevant Content On The Cost Of Living Crisis

Top 10 Social Networks For Millennials For Helpful Information Concerning The Cost Of Living Crisis In The U.S. 2023(Reference:

  • According to 61% of millennials who use social media, TikTok is the most relevant tool for finding information related to the cost of living crisis in the USA in 2023. Other top-ranked social media include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Foursquare. 

Opinions Of Adults In The US On Social Media Changes On Security

Opinions Of Adults In The United States On Whether Social Media New Security Measures And Additional Features Are Going In The Right Or Wrong Direction As Of January 2023, By Generation(Reference:

  • The average of all adults in every generation says social media’s new security measures and additional features are going down the wrong track, while 47% of adults say the opposite. On the other hand, most of the users in the millennial generation said it is going in the right direction, representing 53% of votes in a survey by Statista. Nearly 50% of millennials believe the opposite.

Leading Platforms For Product Research Among Millennials

Leading Sources Of Information Among Millennial Consumers Researching Products They Intend To Buy Worldwide In 2023(Reference:

  • The top 3 leading platforms for millennials to research a product in 2023 around the globe were Search engines (54%), Amazon (36%), and Social media (36%). Other platforms include retailer websites, customer reviews on retailers’ websites, price comparison websites, mouth-to-mouth publicity, chatbots, and websites.

Social Media Presence By Platforms By Age Group

Platform 18 to 29 30 to 49 50 to 64 65+
Instagram 78 59 35 15
Facebook 67 75 69 58
LinkedIn 32 40 31 12
Twitter 42 27 17 6
Snapchat 65 30 12 4
YouTube 93 92 83 60
WhatsApp 32 38 29 16
TikTok 62 39 24 10


According to a survey by Pew Research 2023, the above chart represents the share of adults, including millennials, who use various platforms.

Millennials And Social Media

In today’s digital world, millennials are the biggest group, and they’re really connected. Social media is super important to them, and it affects everything from how they talk to their friends to what they buy. Especially when it comes to buying electronics, what they see on platforms like Instagram, X, and YouTube has a significant impact.

According to a report by Vasukam on LinkedIn, platforms like Instagram are full of fantastic pictures and videos showing off the newest gadgets. Millennials love looking at pretty pictures, and social media is where they find out about the most incredible new stuff.

Then there are the influencers. These are people who are popular online and have a big say in what others buy. Millennials trust them and listen to their advice when it comes to electronics. These influencers often get paid to talk about products, and when they do, millennials pay attention. Research in India showed that when a famous influencer talks about a brand, 80% of people are more likely to check it out.

Social media is also where trends start. Whether it’s a viral challenge or a popular hashtag, millennials see what’s hot in electronics on social media. For example, wireless earbuds became really popular because of platforms like TikTok. People saw them everywhere online and wanted to get them, too.

Millennials aren’t just watching, though; they’re also creating content. When they make videos showing off a new gadget or write reviews, it influences others. Seeing someone like them talk about a product makes millennials feel more confident about buying it.

Social media makes it easy for millennials to compare products. They can look at different options, check out prices, and see what other people think. They can even ask for opinions from their friends online.

Brands also use social media to connect with their customers. They talk directly to millennials, answer questions, and show off new products. Millennials like this because it feels like the brands are being honest and open with them.

More than just the technical stuff, millennials want products that fit their lifestyle and beliefs. Social media lets them connect with brands that care about things like the environment or helping others. Brands that show they care about the same stuff millennials do are more likely to win their loyalty.

And then there’s FOMO, the fear of missing out. When millennials see their friends posting about the latest gadgets, they want to get them, too. They don’t want to feel left out, so they buy things impulsively.

In summary, social media has a significant influence on millennials’ electronic choices. Whether through pretty pictures, influencer recommendations, trends, user-created content, or brand connections, social media shapes what millennials buy. As social media changes, it will continue to affect what millennials want, so brands need to pay attention and adapt.


It is said that millennials were the first generation to be introduced to the digital era. From Google’s Orkut to today’s n number of social media platforms, millennials are connecting with their friends and family.  Millennials On Social Media Statistics show that social media has become a part of their lives as they spend more time on such platforms.

Online media is primarily consumed for visual content. However, spending more time on screen can lead to various health issues. Thus, in conclusion, individuals of any generation should limit their time spent on social media. 






