Live Chat Statistics

Live Chat Statistics By Consumer Behavior, Satisfaction Rate And Communication Channel


Live Chat Statistics: In today’s globalized world, businesses are expanding across international borders, making it essential to provide 24/7 customer support. Live Chat is an effective option for facilitating communication between businesses and their customers, ultimately leading to increased market share and customer satisfaction.

Based on Live Chat statistics, businesses worldwide have seen significant sales and revenue growth after implementing live chat on their websites. This option enhances brand image and fosters customer loyalty. Let’s review the current statistics to gain insights into the overall market.

Editor’s Choice

  • 79% of customers prefer Live Chat over other methods because of the immediate offered services.
  • Compared to quicker live chat, 95% of customers prefer high-value customer support.
  • According to Live Chat Statistics, the customer wants immediate responses to their queries when they ask about sales or marketing-related questions.
  • According to 33% of customers, being held on Live Chat is the most frustrating thing, followed by repeating questions to various representatives (33%), slow response times (19%), and inability to solve questions (14%).
  • Compared to other means of customer service, Live Chat has the highest satisfaction ratings, at 73%, followed by Email (61%) and App (53%).
  • By adding Live Chat Live features, many businesses recorded an increase in upselling and cross-selling by 2.4x.
  • Furthermore, applying Live Chat into the business will increase the customer conversion rate by 3.84%.
  • Companies with more than 90% satisfaction ratings have longer live chat sessions, with an average of 11 minutes and 47 seconds, compared to others, which result in 8 minutes and 42 seconds.
  • The top 3 reasons to choose Live Chat are immediate answers to the questions (79%), the possibility of multitasking (51%), and the most efficient way to communicate (46%).
  • One of the most important services offered by the company is live chat customer support, as voted by customers aged 18 to 49.

General Live Chat Statistics

  • 86% of tickets raised through Live Chat received customer satisfaction.
  • Compared to quicker live chat, 95% of customers prefer high-value customer support.
  • One of the most important services offered by the company is live chat customer support as voted by customers aged between 18 to 49 years.
  • Companies with more than 90% satisfaction ratings have longer live chat sessions, with an average of 11 minutes and 47 seconds, compared to others, which result in 8 minutes and 42 seconds.
  • According to 73% of customers, Live Chat is the most satisfactory means of customer support ever offered by any company.
  • As per Live Chat Statistics, the average customer satisfaction score is 83.1%.
  • Furthermore, applying Live Chat into the business will increase the customer conversion rate by 3.84%.
  • 40% of consumers who use live chat are more likely to purchase online than those who don’t prefer it.
  • By adding Live Chat Live features, many businesses recorded an increase in upselling and cross-selling by 2.4x.
  • According to Live Chat Statistics, customers want immediate responses to their queries when they ask about sales—or marketing-related questions.
  • On the other hand, 21% of live chat messages are never answered.
  • According to 33% of customers, being held on Live Chat is the most frustrating thing, followed by repeating questions to various representatives (33%), slow response times (19%), and inability to solve questions (14%).
  • On average, it takes 23 seconds to respond to a customer through live chat, and solving the query requires 42 seconds.
  • 43% of companies said they could understand their customers better by incorporating live chat options in their business.
  • According to Live Chat Statistics, winter and summer seasons are the top seasons for crowds on Live Chat.
  • According to Live Chat Statistics, the customer satisfaction rate of live chat is decreasing by 1.5% year over year.
  • Around 45% of customer service agents do not ask for feedback after the live chat session ends.
  • During live chat, 80% of customer service representatives need to search multiple systems to find the answer to the customer’s questions.
  • Businesses with Live Chat options on their websites experienced a 43% increase in order value during the checkout process.
  • 26% of brands stated they feel unprepared during social media live chats.
  • As of today, AI chatbots can solve 80% of customer queries without connecting to real customer representatives over live chat.
  • Various reports state that companies that provide exceptional customer service over chat are more likely to increase their business in the future.
  • Longer waiting times while connecting with customer services have been a cause of customer dissatisfaction by 24%.
  • According to customer feedback, companies that use the Live Chat option are efficient (47%), Inventive (40%), and Helpful (36%).
  • On average, Live Chat costs around $5 per chat, while a phone call costs $12.
  • 55% of companies do not provide transcripts of the chat to the customer.
  • According to reports, 38% of customers purchased because of the exceptional service offered on chat.
  • As of today, 26% of companies are not ready to provide live chat services through social media networks.
  • Customer representatives rather than consumers often start 2% of proactive conversations.
  • Over the years, the global customer satisfaction rate studied by Live Chat Statistics has been reduced to 81.1%, which was the highest in 2020, resulting in 85.6%.
  • According to reports, 7 seconds is the faster response time, while 9 minutes is the slowest, and 2 minutes and 40 seconds is the average response time.
  • In coming years, around 81% of customer service teams are planning to invest in Live Chat services.
  • By the end of 2023, the Live Chat Industry is expected to be valued at $987 million.
  • If a waiting line has 1 customer, then the expected time for an agent to join the chat is within 10 seconds, while 5 minutes is for 2 to 4 people waiting. Furthermore, if more than 5 people are waiting in line, then it would take 10 minutes to join the conversation.
  • On average, Live Chat can help businesses gain 30 leads.
  • Large-scale companies receive 50 to 100 consumer visits through live chat every day.
  • On average, a chat lasts up to 11 minutes. Furthermore, 53.1% of chats are made through mobile phones.
  • The resolution rate for Live Chat is 90% for businesses.
  • The average number of chat requests received per day for any business is 600.
  • Live chat has captured 15% of all means of communication.
  • Every month, on average, 12,000 messages are received and sent through live chat.
  • As of 2022, the average minute a chat lasted was 713 seconds or 12 minutes.
  • According to Live Chat Statistics, a human customer representative can solve an issue in about 24 minutes.
  • As of 2022, more than 37,000 companies worldwide are using live chat tools and generate more than 75 million chats every month.
  • Almost 50% of customers access support tools from desktops, which is 49.5%.

Live Chat Statistics by Consumer Behavior

  • 69% of customers stated they feel more confident about the particular company with whom they can communicate through live chat.
  • 79% of customers prefer Live Chat over other methods because of the immediate offered services.
  • 45% of customers are more likely to leave the website before purchasing if the brand does not offer any live chat options that will help customers solve questions.
  • 29% of the customers stated they do not prefer robotic or scripted responses by customer service representatives.
  • According to Live Chat Statistics by Consumer Behavior, customers below 24 years are more likely to purposefully avoid connecting with customer services through phone calls over live chat.
  • Furthermore, 61% of customers prefer to get an answer not more than 10 minutes.
  • In addition, 51% of customers are more likely to make another purchase if the website offers live chat.
  • 67% of millennial customers in the United States of America purchase because of chatbots every day.
  • Furthermore, 40% of millennials chat with bots instead of representatives every day.
  • 1 out of 5 consumers will shift to a purchase after talking with the chatbot.

Live Chat Statistics by Reasons to Choose Live Chat

Reason for Choosing to Use Live Chat Over Other Communication Channels Percentage of People Who Cited This as a Reason for Choosing Live Chat
Get questions answered immediately 79%
Can multitask 51%
Most efficient way to communicate 46%
It works well 38%
Better information than email 29%
Don’t like talking on the phone 22%
Can be in control of the conversation 29%
Can chat while at work 21%
Better information than a phone call 15%


According to Live Chat Statistics, the top 3 reasons to choose Live Chat are immediate answers to the questions (79%), the possibility of multitasking (51%), and the most efficient way to communicate (46%). On the other hand, only 15% of consumers think that they receive better information over chat than a phone call.

Live Chat Statistics by Satisfaction Rate

Communication Channel Satisfaction Rate
Live chat 73%
Email 61%
App 53%
Post 50%
Social media 48%
Phone 44%
SMS 41%


Compared to other means of customer service, Live Chat has the highest satisfaction rating, 73%, followed by Email (61%) and App (53%). Furthermore, customer service offered through other means has generated the following satisfaction rate: Post (50%), Social Media (48%), Phone (44%), and SMS (41%).

Live Chat Statistics by Communication Channel

Customer Service Communication Channel Percentage of Customers Who Regularly Use the Channel
Telephone 78%
Email 75%
Live Chat 59%
Online Support Portal 57%
Search Engines 46%
In-Person 46%
Mobile App 8%
Communities 11%
Social Media 3%


As of today, Live Chat Statistics show that the top 3 most used customer service channels by customers are Telephone (78%), Email (75%), and Live Chat (59%). Other widely used channels are online support platforms (57%), Search engines (46%), in-person (46%), mobile apps (8%), communities (11%), and Social Media (3%).

Live Chat Statistics by Duration of Use

Live Chat Statistics by duration of use


As of today, around 60% of businesses have been using the Live Chat option for less than 1 year, followed by 23% of companies (1 to 2 years) and 11% (3 to 5 years). Furthermore, 2% of companies around the world have used this communication service for more than 10 years, followed by 4% of them between 4 and 10 years.

Live Chat Statistics by Demographics

Age Range Share That Regularly Uses Live Chat to Contact a Brand
18-34 60%
35-54 43%
55+ 32%


The majority of consumers who use the Live Chat option to connect with the brand are aged between 18 and 34, resulting in 60%, followed by 43% of consumers aged 35 to 54. 32% of consumers contributing to the usage of Live Chat are aged 55 years and above.

Live Chat Statistics by Business Type

Live Chat Statistics by Business Type


The majority of companies using Live Chat are B2B businesses, 61%, followed by B2C (33%), Non-Profit organizations (5%), and B2G (2%).

Live Chat Statistics by Market Share in 2023

Live Chat Statistics by Market Share in 2023(Reference:

According to Live Chat Statistics 2023 by software, Tawk. has the highest market share, 22.09%, followed by Facebook Customer Chat Plugin, 17.5%, and Zendesk Chat, 8.28%. Other software collectively makes up 38.17% of the market share, while LiveChat and Tidio have 6.24% and 7.66%, respectively.

Live Chat Statistics by Wait Time by Industry

Live chat: global customer wait time by industry 2022(Reference:

The media, entertainment, and recreation industry has the lowest wait time by seconds, at 40.2 seconds, followed by real estate (44.9) and Insurance (49.8). Furthermore, Live Chat Statistics 2022 states that consumer services, transportation, Business, and whole services have the highest waiting periods by seconds compared to other industries, at 139.9, 139.3, and 105.5, respectively.


Having a presence on the Internet automatically increases the importance of live chat for businesses. If your business is widespread, this tool will help you connect with customers from across the world. Furthermore, this ever-growing number in Live Chat Statistics shows that the demand for live chat services is increasing year on year.

However, with the twist of AI chatbots, customer satisfaction is decreasing. In many cases, it is difficult to connect with real customer service representatives before answering loads of questions asked by an AI chatbot. Thus, in conclusion, real customer service is always better than AI chatbots.






